Parent Newsletter #2: March 3, 2017

Week 1 Almost Complete

Week 1 is almost complete with only one really bad weather today (which isn’t bad). We have had a great week of challenge matches. We will determine the varsity lineup for next week by tomorrow. The JV lineup will be determined by next Tuesday. Only those players in the top 5 groups will practice today and tomorrow as we are on a bit of a time crunch to get the varsity lineup determined.

The week of March 4th:

Saturday: practice for the top 5 groups from 9-11
Monday: practice from 3-5. Spring Sports Meeting with Mr. Tonjes at 6 pm at SCHS. Our team meeting afterwards will be very short as we have already met.
Tuesday: practice from 3-5
Wednesday: Match 1 vs Erie. JV will be at Pratt Park and Varsity will be at SCHS. All players will play.
Thursday: practice from 3-5
Friday: practice from 3-4:30 — Challenge match day
Saturday: practice from 9-11 for varsity only

We will assign snacks for the first match as soon as we have a definitive idea of varsity and JV for the week.

Things coming soon:

Chocolate Fundraising money due March 17th

Thank you for your support!

Beth and Mridula